Computer Engineering and Applications ›› 2006, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (25): 9-.

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  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2006-09-01 Published:2006-09-01




Abstract: This paper focuses on the application of knowledge discovery technology in Internet information collection and processing. It applies knowledge discovery in various stages, such as information collection, management and analysis to solve the related problems. The experiment proves the efficiency of applying knowledge discovery to the field of information processing.

Key words: Knowledge Discovery, Information, Clustering, Visualization, Initiative Topic Search Engine

摘要: 本文系统地研究了知识发现技术在互联网情报收集与处理中的应用。将知识发现技术应用于情报收集、情报管理、情报分析等各个阶段,在不同层次上促进了情报工作的深入与相应问题的解决。说明了知识发现技术对于情报领域的深入发展具有相当的促进作用,应该进一步研究并扩展知识发现在情报领域的应用,丰富完善情报体系。

关键词: 知识发现, 情报, 聚类, 可视化, 主动式专题搜索引擎