This Journal operates a single blind review process. 1. Initial review
All manuscripts are initially evaluated by the editor. The editor uses a web-based program Academic Misconduct Literature Check(AMLC) ( which compares documents and marks similarities as a possible instance of plagiarism, and checks the suitability for the purpose and scope of the journal. 2. Peer review
The manuscript deemed suitable enters into the peer review process. The editorial department selects at least two independent expert reviewers to assess the scientific quality of the manuscript. According to the innovation, scientificity and practicability of the manuscript, a reviewer evaluates the manuscript and gives an objective and fair opinion. When the evaluation opinions are inconsistent, the editorial department will select another reviewer to evaluate. 3. Final decision
The editor-in-chief is responsible for the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript.
The referees’ comments usually will be returned to the principal/corresponding author(s) in two months.
2021-12-28 Visited:
Computer Engineering and Applications
(Started in 1964)
Superintended by
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation Sponsored by
North China Institute of Computing Technology Director of Editorial Board: LYU Yi Editor-in-Chief: TAN Jihong Chief Editor: DING Yuping Edited and Published by
Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications Beijing Co., Ltd. Tel: (8610)89055542 E-mail:
CN 11-2127/TP
ISSN 1002-8331(Print)
ISSN 2097-2938(Online)
CODEN JGYYAT Postal Distribution Number in China: 82-605 International Distribution Number: SM4656 Price: 55.00 CNY