Computer Engineering and Applications ›› 2008, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (11): 71-74.

• 理论研究 • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Genetic algorithm based on double bee population evolutionary

LU Xue-yan1,2,ZHOU Yong-quan1   

  1. 1.College of Mathematic and Computer Science,Guangxi University for Nationalities,Nanning 530006,China
    2.Department of Computer and Electronic Information Engineer,Wuzhou University,Wuzhou,Guangxi 543002,China
  • Received:2007-07-24 Revised:2007-09-28 Online:2008-04-11 Published:2008-04-11
  • Contact: LU Xue-yan



  1. 1.广西民族大学 数学与计算机科学学院,南宁 530006
    2.梧州学院 计算机与电子信息工程系,广西 梧州 543002
  • 通讯作者: 卢雪燕

Abstract: In this paper,a Double Bee Population Evolutionary Genetic Algorithm(BDPGA) is proposed.In BDPGA,there is double bee population.One is from generation by the BDPGA,the other is a random population,and consequentially it enhances the exploration of genetic algorithm.Optimum individual being a queen-bee in each population crossover with each selected individual(drone).As a result it reinforces the exploitation of genetic algorithm,avoids premature convergence,and extends search area.The experiments results show that BDPGA is an efficient and effective improved genetic algorithm.

Key words: double population, bee, evolution, genetic algorithm

摘要: 提出了一种基于蜜蜂双种群进化的遗传算法(BDPGA)。算法共有两个种群,一个是通过迭代进行遗传操作得到的,一个是在每代进化过程中随机引入的。每个种群中的最优个体作为蜂王分别以概率与其它个体(雄蜂)进行交配操作。既能增强对种群最优个体所包含信息的开采能力,又能提高算法的勘探能力,从而避免算法过早地收敛。实验结果表明,该算法对于改进和提高遗传算法性能是有效可行的。

关键词: 双种群, 蜜蜂, 进化, 遗传算法