Computer Engineering and Applications ›› 2008, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (30): 125-127.DOI: 10.3778/j.issn.1002-8331.2008.30.038

• 网络、通信、安全 • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Method for IPv6 header compression over wireless links

XU Yong-qing   

  1. Institute of Computer and Science,Zhejiang Financial Professional College,Hangzhou 310018,China
  • Received:2007-11-26 Revised:2008-02-27 Online:2008-10-21 Published:2008-10-21
  • Contact: XU Yong-qing



  1. 浙江金融职业学院 信息技术系,杭州 310018
  • 通讯作者: 徐永青

Abstract: Header compression can effectively improve transmission efficiency,but existing header compression algorithm reduces the performance when operating over wireless links,because the differencing coding that the algorithm used does not adapt to packet loss of wireless links.A new method for IPv6 header compression named SBHC is proposed,the compression is based on substitution and is not affected by packet loss.SBHC can significant improve the transmission performance over wireless links.

Key words: Internet Protocol version 6(IPv6), header compression, differential coding, wireless

摘要: 头部压缩可以提高链路传输效率,但现有压缩方法基于差分编码方式,压缩效率易受丢包影响,在误码率高的无线链路上反而会降低传输效率。为此,提出一种新的IPv6头部压缩方法SBHC。主要思想是利用IPv6头部变化少的特点,采用基于替换的方式实现压缩行为,克服了差分编码方式存在的弊端。性能测试结果表明,SBHC压缩方法可以有效提高无线链路的传输效率。

关键词: IPv6协议, 头部压缩, 差分编码, 无线