Content of Special Issue on YOLOv8 Improvements and Applications in our journal

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    Algorithm for Real-Time Vehicle Detection from UAVs Based on Optimizing and Improving YOLOv8
    SHI Tao, CUI Jie, LI Song
    Computer Engineering and Applications    2024, 60 (9): 79-89.   DOI: 10.3778/j.issn.1002-8331.2312-0291
    Abstract237)      PDF(pc) (4614KB)(309)       Save
    To address the problems of low accuracy, easy interference from background environment and difficulty in detecting small target vehicles of existing UAV vehicle detection algorithms, an improved UAV vehicle detection algorithm YOLOv8-CX is proposed based on YOLOv8. By integrating the advantages of Deformable Convolutional Networks v1-3, a C2f-DCN module is proposed to flexibly sample features and better extract features between vehicles of different sizes. Utilizing the idea of large separable kernel attention, a SPPF-LSKA module is proposed with long-range dependency and self-adaptability, which can effectively reduce background interference on vehicle detection. In the neck network, a CF-FPN (ment network for tiny object deteciton) feature fusion structure is adopted to enhance the detection accuracy of small targets by combining contextual information and suppressing conflicts between features at different scales. Finally, the original YOLOv8 head is replaced with a Dynamic Head detection head. By unifying scale, space and task, the three types of attention mechanisms, the model detection performance is further improved. Experimental results show that on the Mapsai dataset, compared with the original algorithm, the improved algorithm increases the accuracy (P), recall (R) and mean average precision (mAP) by 8.5, 11.2 and 6.2 percentage points respectively, and the algorithm detection speed reaches 72.6 FPS, meeting the real-time requirements of UAV vehicle detection. By comparing with other mainstream target detection algorithms, the effectiveness and superiority of this method are validated.
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    Small Sample Steel Plate Defect Detection Algorithm of Lightweight YOLOv8
    DOU Zhi, GAO Haoran, LIU Guoqi, CHANG Baofang
    Computer Engineering and Applications    2024, 60 (9): 90-100.   DOI: 10.3778/j.issn.1002-8331.2311-0070
    Abstract230)      PDF(pc) (5010KB)(298)       Save
    The surface area of steel plate is large, and the surface defects are very common, and showing the characteristics of multi-class and small amount. Deep learning is difficult to be effectively applied to the detection of such small sample defects. In order to solve this problem, a small sample steel plate defect detection algorithm based on lightweight YOLOv8 is proposed. Firstly, an interactive data augmentation algorithm based on fuzzy search is proposed, which can effectively solve the problem that the network model cannot be effectively trained due to the lack of training samples, making it possible for deep learning to be applied in this field. Then, the LMRNet (lightweight multi-scale residual networks) network is designed to replace the backbone of YOLOv8, to achieve the lightweight of the network model and improve its portability. Finally, the CBFPN (context bidirectional feature pyramid network) and ECSA (efficient channel spatial attention) modules are proposed to make the network more effective in extracting and fusing scar features, and the Wise-IoU loss function is adopted to improve the detection performance. The comparative experimental results show that compared with the original YOLOv8 algorithm, the amount of parameters of the improved network is only 30% of the original network, the amount of calculation is 49% of the original network, the FPS is increased by 9 frame/s. The accuracy rate, recall rate and mAP have increased by 2.9, 6.5 and 5.5 percentage points respectively. Experimental results fully verify the advantages of the proposed algorithm.
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    Improved YOLOv8 Method for Anomaly Behavior Detection with Multi-Scale Fusion and FMB
    SHI Yangyu, ZUO Jing, XIE Chengjie, ZHENG Diwen, LU Shuhua
    Computer Engineering and Applications    2024, 60 (9): 101-110.   DOI: 10.3778/j.issn.1002-8331.2401-0240
    Abstract115)      PDF(pc) (7946KB)(162)       Save
    To resolve the problems of anomaly behavior detection including multi-scale variations, miss and false detection, and complex background interference, a method is proposed by incorporating the fusion of multi-scale features and fast multi-cross block (FMB) for anomaly behavior detection. Based on YOLOv8 as the baseline network, a FMB has been designed in the backbone to enhance context information awareness and reduce network parameters. Meanwhile, a spatial-progressive convolution pooling (S-PCP) module has been proposed to achieve multi-scale information fusion, thereby reducing the issues of miss and false detection caused by scale differences and improving detection accuracy. A SimAM attention mechanism has been introduced in the neck to suppress complex background interference and improve object detection performance. And WIoU has been used to balance the penalty force on anchor boxes, enhancing the model’s generalization performance. The proposed method has been extensively validated on the UCSD-Ped1 and UCSD-Ped2 datasets, and its generalization has been tested on the OPIXray dataset. The results indicate that the proposed method with fewer parameters achieves different improvements in anomaly behavior recognition accuracy compared to many advanced detection algorithms, demonstrating an excellent detection method for pedestrian anomaly behavior.
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    Wear-YOLO:Research on Detection Methods of Safety Equipment for Power Personnel in Substations
    WANG Ru, LIU Daming, ZHANG Jian
    Computer Engineering and Applications    2024, 60 (9): 111-121.   DOI: 10.3778/j.issn.1002-8331.2308-0317
    Abstract114)      PDF(pc) (4736KB)(117)       Save
    Aiming at the low accuracy and poor generalization of the target detection algorithm for safety equipment such as safety helmets, insulating gloves, and insulating shoes of traditional substation electric personnel, especially for the difficulty of detecting whether to wear insulating gloves or not, an improved YOLOv8 detection algorithm Wear-YOLO for substation power personnel safety equipment is proposed. In order to better learn the contextual information of complex scenes, the C2f (CSP bottleneck with 2 convolutions) module of the Backbone part of YOLOv8 is replaced with the MobileViTv3 module that integrates the Transformer structure to capture long-distance dependencies and contextual information and combine it with local information. And the feature extraction capability of the model is improved in substation scenarios. At the same time, in order to optimize the small target detection effect, a small target detection layer is introduced to enhance the  extraction of the network in shallow semantic information, thereby improving the  detection accuracy for small targets not wearing insulating gloves. WIoUv3 is used to improve the bounding box regression loss function, and a dynamic non-monotonic focusing mechanism is introduced to make the model focuses more on ordinary quality anchor boxes, thus improving the accuracy of model detection and its adaptability to complex situations. The experimental results show that the average detection accuracy is 92.1%, the detection accuracy of helmets is 96.8%, the detection accuracy of wearing insulating gloves is 92.1%, the detection accuracy of not wearing insulating gloves is 81.6%, and the detection accuracy of insulating shoes is 93.0%. Compared with the classic target detection models Faster R-CNN, SSD, RetinaNet, and YOLOv5, it has better detection accuracy and robustness.
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    FA-SORT:Lightweight Multi-Vehicle Tracking Algorithm
    OUYANG Bo, ZHU Yongjian, YANG Likang, WANG Benyuan
    Computer Engineering and Applications    2024, 60 (9): 122-134.   DOI: 10.3778/j.issn.1002-8331.2307-0359
    Abstract96)      PDF(pc) (5812KB)(121)       Save
    In recent years, UAVs have been widely used in the field of vehicle tracking due to their small size and flexibility. However, when UAVs fly at high altitude, there are few pixel points, crowding, and occlusion of vehicle objects in their captured images. Moreover, existing multi-object tracking research methods use Kalman filter prediction when nonlinear motion occurs during vehicle occlusion, and the problem of inaccurate vehicle position prediction occurs. In order to solve these problems, this paper adopts tracking by detection (TBD) paradigm, which firstly improves the YOLOv8 detection algorithm by introducing BiFormer sparse dynamic attention module in the network structure for extracting small object feature information. Meanwhile, the lightweight upsampling operator CARAFE is used to replace the original nearest-neighbor interpolation upsampling, which reduces the problem of small-object feature loss in the upsampling process. Then a lightweight tracking model FA-SORT is proposed, and three improvements are proposed for the SORT algorithm:improving KF, adding speed-direction consistency matching and detection value matching. Finally, the improved YOLOv8 algorithm is validated on a homemade combination of several vehicle datasets. The experimental results show that the precision is improved by 0.97% and the recall is improved by 0.898% compared with YOLOv8. The proposed FA-SORT algorithm is validated using the UAVDT dataset, and the results show that the first HOTA metric reaches 70.05%, IDF1 reaches 87.45%, and the tracking speed reaches 29.93 FPS compared to existing multi-objective tracking algorithms. The superiority of the FA-SORT tracking algorithm for multi-vehicle tracking tasks is verified.
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    Low-Light Object Detection Combining Transformer and Dynamic Feature Fusion
    CAI Teng, CHEN Cifa, DONG Fangmin
    Computer Engineering and Applications    2024, 60 (9): 135-141.   DOI: 10.3778/j.issn.1002-8331.2310-0131
    Abstract113)      PDF(pc) (3952KB)(145)       Save
    To address the issues of high parameter and computational complexity, poor real-time performance, and limited applicability to mobile devices in existing low-light object detection algorithms, this paper proposes an improved lightweight model called DarkYOLOv8 based on YOLOv8 for low-light object detection. Firstly, MobileNet v2 is replaced the backbone network of YOLOv8 to enhance the  feature extraction capabilities of the model. Secondly, the Transformer attention mechanism is utilized to capture global information from the images and the Transformer module parameters are trained based on target annotation information as labels to enhance the weights within the target regions, thereby improving the capability of the model to extract target features under low-light conditions. Finally, the dynamic feature fusion attention (DFFA) module is employed for feature fusion in the neck network, dynamically fusing shallow and deep features, simultaneously, the YOLOv8X algorithm is employed in combination with CBAM to supervise the training of spatial attention weights in the CBAM module of DFFA. The experimental results show that on the ExDark dataset, DarkYOLOv8 achieves 70.1% on the mAP50 metric with only 8.53 GFLOPs, which is a 3.9 percentage points improvement compared to YOLOv8n.
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    Improved YOLOv8s Model for Small Object Detection from Perspective of Drones
    PAN Wei, WEI Chao, QIAN Chunyu, YANG Zhe
    Computer Engineering and Applications    2024, 60 (9): 142-150.   DOI: 10.3778/j.issn.1002-8331.2312-0043
    Abstract293)      PDF(pc) (5858KB)(408)       Save
    Facing with the problems of small and densely distributed image targets, uneven class distribution, and model size limitation of hardware conditions, object detection from the perspective of drones has less precise results. A new improved model based on YOLOv8s with multiple attention mechanisms is proposed. To solve the problem of shared attention weight parameters in receptive field features and enhance feature extraction ability, receptive field attention convolution and CBAM (concentration based attention module) attention mechanism are introduced into the backbone, adding attention weight in channel and spatial dimensions. By introducing large separable kernel attention into feature pyramid pooling layers, information fusion between different levels of features is increased. The feature layers with rich semantic information of small targets are added to improve the neck structure. The inner-IoU loss function is used to improve the MPDIoU (minimum point distance based IoU) function and the inner-MPDIoU instead of the original loss function is used to enhance the learning ability for difficult samples. The experimental results show that the improved YOLOv8s model has improved mAP, P, and R by 16.1%, 9.3%, and 14.9% respectively on the VisDrone dataset, surpassing YOLOv8m in performance and can be effectively applied to unmanned aerial vehicle visual detection tasks.
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    Baggage Tracking Technology Based on Improved YOLO v8
    CAO Chao, GU Xingsheng
    Computer Engineering and Applications    2024, 60 (9): 151-158.   DOI: 10.3778/j.issn.1002-8331.2310-0238
    Abstract166)      PDF(pc) (6479KB)(244)       Save
    In the airport baggage sorting scenario, the traditional multi-target tracking algorithm has the problems of high target ID switching rate and high false alarm rate of target trajectory. This paper presents a baggage tracking technique based on improved YOLO v8 and ByteTrack algorithms. The CBATM module is added, the ADH decoupling head is replaced and the loss function during training is changed, the detection accuracy is increased, the discrimination of target features is strengthened, and the ID switching rate of the target is reduced. GSI interpolation processing in Byte data association, which not only uses high box and low box, but also ensures the tracking effect after a long time of occlusion, and reduces the ID error switching caused by occlusion. In the airport baggage sorting dataset, MOTA and IDF 1 reach 89.9% and 90.3%, respectively, which show a significant improvement and can steadily realize the tracking of luggage ID.
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