Computer Engineering and Applications ›› 2012, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (5): 228-231.

• 工程与应用 • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Research on visual technology in geotechnical information system based on LBS

LI Weibo1, LI Zhenzhong2, HE Pin3   

  1. 1.Hubei Provincial Key Lab of Intelligent Robot, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430073, China
    2.Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L3G1, Canada
    3.Wuhan Jihua Computer System Co. Ltd, Wuhan 430073, China
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2012-02-11 Published:2012-02-11


李伟波1,李振中2,何 频3   

  1. 1.武汉工程大学 智能机器人湖北省重点实验室,武汉 430073
    2.滑铁卢大学 电子工程系,加拿大 安省 滑铁卢 N2L3G1
    3.武汉基华电脑系统有限公司,武汉 430073

Abstract: Geotechnical investigation information system is a typical Location Based Services(LBS) application which is closely related to geographic positioning. Based on the LBS demand on the flexibility to multiple mobile clients and complexity of graphic presentation, this paper primarily focuses on researching SVG-based positioning models and graphical representation models. It proposes a suitable SVG-based positioning model for geotechnical investigation and SVG-based information visualization method for geotechnical investigation. The realization of applications for remote position inquiry of engineering investigation and for verification on visualization of geographical layers in the field becomes possible just through mobile client.

Key words: location based services, Scalable Vector Graphics(SVG), visualization, geotechnical investigation

摘要: 工程勘察岩土信息服务系统是和地理位置密切相关的典型LBS应用,针对其要求适应多种的移动终端和岩土数据图形表示复杂的特点,重点研究了SVG技术的特点、移动定位计算方法和岩土信息可化表示方法,提出了适合岩土信息服务的简化计算方法的SVG定位模型和SVG岩土信息分层可视化描述模型,实现了通过手机等移动客户端进行工程勘察数据的远程原位置查询、地层图形显示验证的应用服务。

关键词: 位置服务, 可缩放矢量图形(SVG), 可视化, 工程勘察