Computer Engineering and Applications ›› 2012, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (19): 82-84.

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Impact of limiting number of links on lifetime of wireless sensor network

GE Jun, WANG Zhichao   

  1. Department of Computer Science, Suqian College, Suqian, Jiangsu 223800, China
  • Online:2012-07-01 Published:2012-06-27


戈  军,王志超   

  1. 宿迁学院 计算机科学系,江苏 宿迁 223800

Abstract: For the energy constrains wireless sensor nodes, it is an important task to optimize the lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network(WSN). By means of an Mixed Binary Linear Programming(MBLP) framework, it investigates the impact of limiting the number of incoming/outgoing links on the WSN lifetime. The MBLP is used for maximizing WSN lifetime and gives the corresponding constraints. Then, by the linear network topology, the impact of node number and area per node on the network lifetime of WSNs are analyzed. Performance analysis shows that the decrease in WSN lifetime is less than 1.0% if the limits on the number of incoming and outgoing links are not lower than three. Thus further proves that splitting the flows into three parts is good enough to balance the energy consumption among the sensor nodes.

Key words: Wireless Sensor Network(WSN), Mixed Binary Linear Programming(MBLP), energy efficiency, network complexity, lifetime

摘要: 由于传感器节点能量受限,如何优化无线传感器网络(WSN)寿命是一项重要任务。借助混合二元线性规划(MBLP)框架,对限制传入/传出链路数量的WSN寿命影响进行了研究。利用MBLP最大化WSN寿命,并给出对应约束条件;通过线性网络拓扑结构,分析了节点数量、节点面积对WSN寿命的影响。性能分析表明,如果传入/传出链路数量至少为3时,网络寿命降低小于1.0%,从而进一步证明了分割流量为三部分足以平衡传感器节点间的能耗。

关键词: 无线传感器网络, 混合二元线性规划, 能效, 网络复杂性, 寿命