Computer Engineering and Applications ›› 2012, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (17): 31-35.

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Component placement process optimization for multi-head surface mounting machine based on improved tabu search algorithm

CHEN Tiemei1,2,LUO Jiaxiang2   

  1. 1.School of Information Science, Guangdong University of Business Studies, Guangzhou 510320, China
    2.Engineering Research Center for Precision Electronic Manufacturing Equipments of MoE, College of Automation Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China
  • Online:2012-06-11 Published:2012-06-20



  1. 1.广东商学院 信息学院,广州 510320
    2.华南理工大学 精密电子制造装备教育部工程研究中心,自动化科学与工程学院,广州 510640

Abstract: This paper describes an improved tabu search algorithm for the multi-head surface mounting machine. The algorithm is based on the traditional tabu search algorithm, adopting a mutation operator to expand the search place. A local descent search strategy is embedded into the algorithm to optimize the feeder assignment. To verify the efficiency of the algorithm, experiments on 10 PCBs instances are executed. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is superior in terms of solution quality.

Key words: tabu search algorithm, block mutation operator, feeder assignment optimization, component mounting sequence optimization

摘要: 以多贴装头拱架式贴片机为研究对象,利用带块变异算子的改进禁忌算法实现实贴片机贴装过程的优化。在基本禁忌算法的基础上,利用块变异因子扩大元器件贴装顺序优化的搜索空间,并在禁忌搜索过程中利用局部迭代搜索实现喂料器的分配优化。为验证算法有效性,以10块实际生产的PCB为实例进行了测试。实验证明,提出的算法能获得更好的贴片机贴装优化解。

关键词: 禁忌搜索算法, 块变异算子, 喂料器分配优化, 元器件贴装顺序优化