[1] |
XU Xiaoyuan, LI Haibo, HUANG Li.
Convex Optimization Analysis of Joint Delay Tail Probability of Multi-heterogeneous Files in Cloud Storage
[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2021, 57(5): 88-94.
[2] |
LIN Benfeng, WANG Cheng, SUN Yuecheng.
Switch State Detection Method Based on LSD Algorithm and Deep Learning
[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2021, 57(17): 181-189.
[3] |
ZHANG Shanshan, ZHAO Jianhua.
Through-the-Wall Radar Imaging Algorithm Based on Inexact Augmented Lagrange Multiplier
[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2021, 57(11): 77-83.
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YU Guolong, ZHAO Yong, WU Lian, CUI Zhongwei.
Improvement of QPSO Algorithm and Its Application in DBN Parameter Optimization
[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2021, 57(10): 154-162.
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ZHU Ruijin, GONG Xuejiao, TANG Bo.
Distributed Hybrid Compressive Sensing for Wireless Sensor Network Data Collection
[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2019, 55(6): 73-80.
[6] |
TU Bing1,2,3,ZHANG Xiaofei1,3, PAN Jianwu1,3, ZHANG Guoyun1,2,3, ZHOU Zixuan1,3.
Skyline Detection Algorithm Based on Multiple Feature Extraction Fusing Edge Correction
[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2019, 55(6): 178-185.
[7] |
JIANG Xinlan, JIA Wenbo.
Machine Vision Detection Method for Foreign Object Intrusion in High-Speed Rail Contact Net
[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2019, 55(22): 250-257.
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JI Xiaohui, SUN Zeyu, YAN Ben, LI Chuanfeng.
High-Order MIMO Systems Channel Estimation Algorithms Based on Compressive Sensing
[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2019, 55(19): 153-159.
[9] |
ZHENG Hangjia, ZHONG Baojiang.
Overview and Evaluation of Image Straight Line Segment Detection Algorithms
[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2019, 55(17): 9-19.
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RAN Longcai, HUANG Chengquan, TIAN Wenying.
Application Research on Improved BPDN in Image Deraining and Desnowing
[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2019, 55(15): 198-203.
[11] |
YANG Hairong1, JIN Hui2.
Improved IRLS algorithm for nonconvex compressive sensing
[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2018, 54(24): 46-51.
[12] |
GAO Jianlong1,2, GUO Liang1, LV Yaoyu1,2, WU Qingwen1, MU Deqiang3.
Pointer meter reading method based on improved ORB and Hough algorithm
[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2018, 54(23): 252-258.
[13] |
LI Kangda, LIU Hao, WANG Bing, SUN Xiaofan, ZHANG Xinsheng.
Compressive sampling allocation algorithm based on hybrid quality of image set
[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2018, 54(22): 191-196.
[14] |
SHEN Xiajiong1,2, DUAN Xiaoyu2, YUAN Wanli2, HAN Daojun1,2.
Research on circle detection algorithm based on connected region labeling algorithm
[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2018, 54(21): 95-98.
[15] |
GUO Wenqiang, GAO Wenqiang, HOU Yongyan, LI Ran.
Target recognition based on BN parameter learning under scarce data set
[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2018, 54(17): 122-125.