Computer Engineering and Applications ›› 2022, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (2): 123-128.DOI: 10.3778/j.issn.1002-8331.2008-0070

• Network, Communication and Security • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Fusion of Double Block Chain Credit Data Storage and Query Scheme

LIU Fasheng, SUN Qixuan, LI Jianghua   

  1. College of Information Engineering, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou, Jiangxi 341000, China
  • Online:2022-01-15 Published:2022-01-18



  1. 江西理工大学 信息工程学院,江西 赣州 341000

Abstract: Credit data involves a high degree of personal privacy, and it is easy to leak or collect untrue data in the process of collection and query. The disclosure of credit data will bring serious impact such as reputation damage and property threat to the compromised person. In order to reduce the problems of user privacy leakage, information asymmetry, easy tampering, easy forgery and over-centralization when collecting credit data, the paper proposes a fusion of double block chain reference data storage and query plan, the program of two chain, a chain is used to store the real-time reference data collection of many, the other chain is used to store personal credit report, fusion scheme can not only ensure credit bureaus of double block chain real-time collection of reference data records, and can automatically generate a personal credit report quickly, avoid the individual credit data in the process of credit reporting queries privacy tampering and forgery. Finally, the advantages of the model are demonstrated qualitatively from seven aspects, such as chain structure, privacy protection, data integrity, tamperability, trusted center, timeliness, and data redundancy, which can effectively improve the security and convenience of credit data storage and query.

Key words: dual blockchain, credit data, credit report, privacy protection

摘要: 征信数据涉及个人的高度隐私,在收集和查询的过程中极易泄露或者收集到不真实的数据,征信数据的泄露会给被泄露人带来名誉损害和财产威胁等严重影响,为减少征信数据采集时用户隐私泄露、信息不对称、易篡改、易伪造和过中心化等问题,提出了一种融合双区块链的征信数据存储和查询方案,该方案由两条链组成,一条链用于存储多人的实时征信数据收集,另一条链用于存储个人的征信报告,融合双区块链的方案不仅能保证征信机构实时征信数据的收集记录,而且能够快速自动生成个人的征信报告,避免了个人征信数据在征信查询过程中的隐私泄露、篡改和伪造风险,从链结构、隐私保护性、数据完整性、可篡改性、可信中心、及时性和数据冗余性等七个方面定性论证了该模型的优点,能有效地提升征信数据的存储和查询的安全性和便利性。

关键词: 双区块链, 征信数据, 征信报告, 隐私保护