Computer Engineering and Applications ›› 2012, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (36): 216-220.

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3-D reconstruction model based on mathematical morphology operators

PAN Lan1, LV Zhiyong2, HUANG Cheng1, WANG Zhongjun1   

  1. 1.School of Science, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China
    2.ITS Center, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China
  • Online:2012-12-21 Published:2012-12-21


潘  岚1,吕植勇2,黄  成1,王仲君1   

  1. 1.武汉理工大学 理学院,武汉 430070
    2.武汉理工大学 ITS中心,武汉 430070

Abstract: For the 3D surface topography of wear debris, the depth of field of microscope has a significant influence on the formation of image. In this paper, a comparison quick method is proposed to compare in focus part and out of focus part of the images by image processing technology, which makes the 3D measure doesn’t be affected by costly instrument. The method uses differential filter operators to extract the focal plane scope from frame images which are extracted from video. The morphological method is used in a small area to eliminate the discontinuity within the focal plane area and expand the scope focal plane. It makes the focal plane which is impossible detected can get better treatment. Boolean algebra algorithm makes the differential focal plane images reconstruct a complete wear particle image. This method can overcome the disadvantages of Scanning Electronic Microcopy(SEM) which can only get the gray images. Through applying the proposed method in this paper, color surface texture of wear debris can be gained.

Key words: 3D surface topography, image merging, microscope, mathematical morphology

摘要: 利用图像处理技术,结合显微镜焦平面成像原理,提出了在普通光学显微镜下对磨粒进行三维表面快速重构的方法,使磨粒的三维测量不再受昂贵的三维测量仪器在功能上和成本上的限制。从采集视频中提取帧图像,应用梯度算子进行滤波处理划分得到焦平面范围,同时,提出结合数学形态学方法在小范围内消除焦平面区域的不连续性,扩展焦平面范围,使得不能检测到的焦平面得到较好的处理。通过布尔代数运算将不同的显微镜焦平面图像重构成一幅完整的磨粒图像。该方法可以弥补电子扫描电镜难以得到物体表面的颜色的不足,同时相比较于激光共焦显微镜测量三维表面的方法更为简单且更容易得到磨粒表面的真实图像色彩。

关键词: 三维表面, 图像重构, 显微镜, 数学形态学