Computer Engineering and Applications ›› 2008, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (4): 97-100.

• 研发、测试 • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Research and implementation on multi-mode parallel I/O benchmark Jetter

CAO Li-qiang1,2,LUO Hong-bing1,ZHANG Xiao-xia1   

  1. 1.Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics,Beijing 100088,China
    2.Key Laboratory of Computer System and Architecture,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100080,China
  • Received:2007-06-27 Revised:2007-08-20 Online:2008-02-01 Published:2008-02-01
  • Contact: CAO Li-qiang



  1. 1.北京应用物理与计算数学研究所,北京 100088
    2.中国科学院 计算机系统结构重点实验室,北京 100080
  • 通讯作者: 曹立强

Abstract: This paper proposes a new multi-pattern parallel I/O benchmark called Jetter,which evaluates parallel I/O throughput with either the contiguous I/O pattern or the non-contiguous I/O pattern,in either the share-one-file model or the file-per-process model,by either the POSIX interface or the MPI-I/O interface.Jetter helps end users make sense of the pattern performance law and develop efficient applications in a platform.We have evaluated the parallel I/O bandwidth in a 32 CPU shared memory computer with Jetter.The results show that I/O pattern determines throughput.Optimizing I/O model,interface,etc in a pattern will improve bandwidth 2 or 3 times.

Key words: parallel I/O, access pattern, benchmark

摘要: 并行I/O系统有多种存取模式,它们有各自的存取特点和适用范围。为了获得不同模式下的系统性能,并行I/O测试中往往要综合使用多种微测试程序。这不仅要求用户深入了解并行I/O的特点,而且要求他们熟悉各种并行I/O微测试程序的输入与输出。提出并实现了一个并行I/O测试Jetter,它从接口类型、存取模式和进程-文件关系的角度划分了并行I/O接口,不仅能够测试I/O系统在上述模式下的性能,而且简化了测试工作。实际应用Jetter表明,并行I/O系统对不同模式的支持效果不同,最高差异可以达到两个数量级以上,这些测试结论有助于用户开发高质量的并行程序。

关键词: 并行I/O, 存取模式, 测试程序