计算机工程与应用 ›› 2013, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (8): 138-141.

• 数据库、数据挖掘、机器学习 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘佳宝,梁  奕,方  俊   

  1. 国电南瑞科技股份有限公司 研发中心,南京 210061
  • 出版日期:2013-04-15 发布日期:2013-04-15

Dynamic parameter control method for process data compression ratio

LIU Jiabao, LIANG Yi, FANG Jun   

  1. R&D Center, NARI Technology Development Co.Ltd, Nanjing 210061, China
  • Online:2013-04-15 Published:2013-04-15

摘要: 对于涉及使用压缩偏差[ΔE]的有损压缩算法(如旋转门算法、矩形波串法、后向斜率法),一般需要长时间的实验才能得到合适的[ΔE]。对于测点较多系统简直是一种灾难。因此,[ΔE]的设置严重限制了压缩算法的实用性和方便性。鉴于此,提出了以压缩比CR(CR=1-压缩后的数据个数/压缩前的数据个数)为导向的动态控制方法。它假定压缩比CR和压缩偏差[ΔE]之间存在线性关系。在给定目标压缩比[CRdest]的条件下,借助于先前一段数据压缩情况,在可调区间[ΔEmin,ΔEmax]上动态地调整[ΔE],使实际[CR→CRdest]。该方法的特点在于使得压缩比可控,同时降低了相关压缩算法参数设置难度。

关键词: 旋转门算法, 过程数据, 有损压缩, 压缩偏差, 记录限, 压缩比

Abstract: For lossy compression algorithm, such as SDT, box car, backward slope, it is difficult to find a suitable compression deviation[ΔE]. So compression deviation seriously limits the compression algorithm’s practicability and convenience. In view of this, it puts forward a dynamic parameter control method based on compressed ratio CR(CR=1-number of data compression/number of data before compression). It assumes that the compression ratio CR and compression deviation have linear relation. Given the compression ratio[CRdest], it can dynamically adjust [ΔE] so as to[CR→CRdest]. The method makes compression ratio under control, and reduces the actual operation difficulty for related compression algorithm.

Key words: Spinning Door Transformation(SDT), process data, lossy compression, compression deviation, recording limit, compression ratio