计算机工程与应用 ›› 2012, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (16): 117-122.

• 网络、通信、安全 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.广西工学院 鹿山学院 计算机工程系,广西 柳州 545616
    2.柳州市广电中心 播控部,广西 柳州 545006
  • 出版日期:2012-06-01 发布日期:2012-06-01

Hierarchical task scheduling model based on trust mechanism in grid computing

HU Yanhua1, WANG Zhibin2, LI Jianjun1   

  1. 1.Department of Computer Engineering, Lushan Institute of Guangxi Technology College, Liuzhou,Guangxi 545616, China
    2.Broadcasting Control Department of Liuzhou Broadcast & TV Center, Liuzhou, Guangxi 545006, China
  • Online:2012-06-01 Published:2012-06-01

摘要: 提出了一种分布式层次任务调度模型,该模型将任务调度分两层进行,并且将信任机制引入其中以提高网格的服务质量及运行效率。提出了适应该模型的调度算法,算法同时考虑了网格实体间的信任关系、预测执行时间、QoS需求和价格因素,并动态调整它们在交易中所占的比重,从而较好地适应不同用户的需求。分析和仿真表明,该调度模型增强了网格环境的安全性和适用性,提高了执行效率,并降低了交易失败率。

关键词: 网格环境, 信任机制, 调度模型, 服务质量, 价格

Abstract: This paper proposes a hierarchical task scheduling model that divides the task scheduling into two parts, the choice of the resource site and local scheduling within the resource site, and in the first part, it introduces trust mechanism. Then it presents the appropriate algorithm, which not only takes the trust relationship between girding entities, the requirements of QoS and price factors into account, but also adjusts their weights dynamically in the exchange. The final simulization and anlysis show the model can effectively increase the security and efficiency of the Grid system.

Key words: grid environment, trust mechanism, scheduling model, Quality of Service(QoS), price