计算机工程与应用 ›› 2007, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (23): 106-109.

• 产品、研发、测试 • 上一篇    下一篇


宿 彦1,薛惠锋1,孙景乐2,蒋御柱2   

  1. 1.西北工业大学 自动化学院,西安 710072
    2.上海交通大学 安泰管理学院,上海 200052
  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2007-08-11 发布日期:2007-08-11
  • 通讯作者: 宿 彦

User-center argumentation information visualization

SU Yan1,XUE Hui-feng1,SUN Jing-le2,JIANG Yu-zhu2   

  1. 1.Institute of Automatization,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710072,China
    2.Aetna School of Management,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200052,China
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2007-08-11 Published:2007-08-11
  • Contact: SU Yan

摘要: 在“以计算机为媒介的群体沟通”环境下,常常出现“知识断层”和“信息过载”。研讨信息可视化丰富了研究和认知手段以及群体发现信息的途径,因而成为缓解“信息过载”的一个重要途径。以研讨用户为中心,从单个信息、信息关系、了解研讨状态、把握研讨过程四个方面识别出研讨用户的信息寻找、发现以及获取的需求;并基于群体研讨支持系统的信息组织模型,设计了用户驱动的研讨信息可视化平台,并结合J2EE、XML、计算机图形学等技术,实现了可视化平台,并结合一个具体应用示范了平台的功能。

关键词: 群体研讨支持系统, 用户驱动, 信息可视化

Abstract: In the computer-mediated group communication,it usually appears “knowledge-faultage” and “information overload”.Argumentation information visualization can rich group cognition and the ways to discovery group information,becoming a good way to release the“information overload”.In this study,we recognize the demand for user to search information,discovery information from the perspective of single argumentation information,relationship among argumentation information,knowing the group status and holding argumentation process;and based on the information organization model in the Group Argumentation Support Systems(GASS),we design a user-center information visualization platform,then implement the platform with the J2EE,XML and computer graphics;finally,we demonstrate the application using an argumentation example.

Key words: Group Argumentation Support Systems(GASS), user-center, information visualization