计算机工程与应用 ›› 2010, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (19): 125-128.DOI: 10.3778/j.issn.1002-8331.2010.19.036

• 网络、通信、安全 • 上一篇    下一篇

混合无线Mesh 网络中改进的分层AODV路由协议


  1. 湘潭大学信息工程学院,湖南湘潭411105
  • 收稿日期:2008-12-15 修回日期:2009-03-05 出版日期:2010-07-01 发布日期:2010-07-01
  • 通讯作者: 曾文丽

Improved hierarchical AODV routing protocol for hybrid wireless Mesh network

ZENG Wen-li,PEI Ting-rui,ZHANG Zhao-xia,ZHAO Zhi   

  1. College of Information Engineering,Xiangtan University,Xiangtan,Hunan 411105,China
  • Received:2008-12-15 Revised:2009-03-05 Online:2010-07-01 Published:2010-07-01
  • Contact: ZENG Wen-li

摘要: 路由是无线Mesh 网络发展中的一个研究热点。无线Mesh 网络从移动Ad hoc 网络中借鉴了许多路由选择算法作为路由的解决方案,但是这些方法都不太理想或者没有达到性能的最优化,且没有利用到无线Mesh 网络自身的特点。提出了一个改进的分层AODV路由协议(IH-ADOV),它表现出了更好的可扩展性和网络性能,当一条路由丢失时,它使寻找替代路由的路由开销得到降低。在IH-AODV中,还提出了一种新技术,即最新链路发现机制。利用NS-2 软件对AODV和IH-AODV进行了仿真比较。基于混合无线Mesh 网络的仿真结果表明,IH-AODV在大的网络中也表现出了很好的扩展性,相对于AODV,在其他性能

Abstract: Routing is the main research issue in the development of Wireless Mesh Network(WMNs).Many of the routing
approaches have been borrowed from MANETs to achieve routing solutions in WMNS but are not ideal or optimal and do
not utilize the characteristics of WMNs to their benefits.In this paper,an improved Hierarchical AODV routing protocol
(IH-AODV) is proposed,which exhibits better scalability and performance in the network and incurs less routing overhead
for finding alternate routes when a route is lost.Furthermore,a novel technique for IH-AODV term fresh route detection is
presented.This paper provides comparisons of both AODV and IH-AODV in the simulation using NS-2.Simulation results
show that IH-AODV scales well for large network and other metrics are also better than or comparable to AODV in hybrid
