计算机工程与应用 ›› 2014, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (4): 177-180.

• 图形图像处理 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 湘潭大学 信息工程学院,湖南 湘潭 411105
  • 出版日期:2014-02-15 发布日期:2014-02-14

Improved algorithm for generating slicing contour for rapid prototyping

ZENG Xiaoying, XU Xiaoshu, TAN Zhenghua   

  1. College of Information and Engineering, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan, Hunan 411105, China
  • Online:2014-02-15 Published:2014-02-14

摘要: 在对STL模型分层求交线过程中,针对三角面片的边与切平面很接近时,浮点运算引起的精度损失可能导致的错误交线问题,提出一种基于STL模型局部拓扑的分层算法。将所有可能引起错误交线的三角面片提取出来,建立拓扑结构,以接近切平面的边在切平面的投影替代交线,消除了由于浮点运算误差导致的轮廓线缺边和重边的错误。实验结果表明,该算法在计算出交线段集后不需要再进行修复,简单连接后就能得出正确的切片轮廓线。

关键词: 快速成型, 切片轮廓线, 三角面片, 浮点运算, 近似平行边

Abstract: In most STL model slicing algorithms, because of the losses of accuracies in floating-point operations, some wrong intersection lines generally existed when computing intersection lines of the triangle facets and the tangent planes in the case of one edge of a triangle are very close to the tangent planes, even some errors can not be repaired. This dissertation proposes a slicing algorithm based on a local topology to solve such problems. Extract all facets caused errors to establish a topology, then replace intersection lines with the projections of near edges. This algorithm can eliminate wrongs of lost and redundant edges of the slice contour due to errors of floating-point operations. The experiment results show that the algorithm can get a correct slice contour through simple calculations without any repairs.

Key words: rapid prototyping, slice contour, triangle facet, floating-point operation, approximate parallel edges