计算机工程与应用 ›› 2013, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (8): 222-226.

• 工程与应用 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 西北工业大学 动力与能源学院,西安 710072
  • 出版日期:2013-04-15 发布日期:2013-04-15

High altitude air-launched AUV’s complete trajectory simulation system based on Simulink

PAN Changjun, GUO Yingqing   

  1. School of Power and Energy, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China
  • Online:2013-04-15 Published:2013-04-15

摘要: 高空空投AUV(Autonomous Underwater Vehicle,自主水下航行器)是一种基于“高空反潜武器概念”而设计的基高空滑翔与水下自主航行于一体的新型水下航行器,对其全弹道的仿真是其概念设计阶段的重要内容和理论基础。根据高空空投AUV弹道各稳态阶段的运动与环境特点,分别搭建了滑翔、减速与水下阶段六/九自由度仿真模型。仿真了空投AUV在翼面组件升力作用下的自由滑翔弹道和在圆形降落组件作用下的减速弹道。设计了AUV水下偏航与深度控制器,并进行了水下闭环控制仿真,验证了AUV深度与偏航控制下沿指定轨迹航行。仿真结果表明,仿真系统能准确快速地仿真出AUV各运动阶段的弹道、位姿、速度与加速度信息,适用于全弹道组件设计、特性分析与控制器设计与验证。

关键词: 仿真, 自主水下航行器(AUV), 空投, Simulink, 高空反潜武器概念

Abstract: High altitude Air-Launched AUV(AL-AUV) is a new kind of underwater vehicle that integrates high gliding and underwater, and designed on High Altitude ASW Weapons Conception(HAAWC). The simulation of the complete trajectory of AL-AUV is an important part and theoretical basic for conceptual design. The 6(or 9) DOF(Degree Of Freedom) simulation models of gliding, decelerating and underwater stages are established based on the movement and environment characteristics of high altitude AL-AUV trajectory’s steady stages. The AL-AUV’s free gliding trajectory and decelerating trajectory are simulated respectively with the effort of wing unit and circle parachute. The AUV underwater stage yaw and depth controllers are designed and system closed loop control simulation is completed which validates the AUV moving along the specified path under control. The simulations indicate that the simulation system applicable to AL-AUV complete trajectory unit design, characteristics analysis and controller design.

Key words: simulation, Autonomous Underwater Vehicle(AUV), air launch, Simulink, High Altitude ASW Weapons Conception(HAAWC)