计算机工程与应用 ›› 2011, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (3): 157-159.DOI: 10.3778/j.issn.1002-8331.2011.03.047

• 图形、图像、模式识别 • 上一篇    下一篇


王聪丽,王 凯,侯著荣,程 丽   

  1. 军械工程学院,石家庄 050003
  • 收稿日期:2009-09-08 修回日期:2009-11-30 出版日期:2011-01-21 发布日期:2011-01-21
  • 通讯作者: 王聪丽

New image scrambling algorithm base on matrix M4 and circular shift

WANG Congli,WANG Kai,HOU Zhurong,CHENG Li   

  1. Ordnance Engineering College,Shijiazhuang 050003,China
  • Received:2009-09-08 Revised:2009-11-30 Online:2011-01-21 Published:2011-01-21
  • Contact: WANG Congli

摘要: 讨论了M4矩阵的性质,然后根据图像像素值的特点,将0~255之间的数值分成不同的具有循环关系的集合。在此基础上,提出了一种利用M4矩阵和循环移位算法实现图像快速置乱的算法。实验数据表明,所提出的算法快速、有效,从直方图相似度和置乱度上都明显优于其他算法。

关键词: M4矩阵, 循环移位, 置乱

Abstract: Based on the character of matrix M4 and circular shift,this paper advances a new algorithm.It can scramble a digital image quickly.From the histograms likeness and scrambling degree,experimental results indicate that this algorithm has faster and higher efficiency than others.

Key words: matrix M4, circular shift, scrambling
