计算机工程与应用 ›› 2009, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (5): 29-31.DOI: 10.3778/j.issn.1002-8331.2009.05.009

• 博士论坛 • 上一篇    下一篇


杨红生1,田 地1,王丰贵1,毛宏宇1,2   

  1. 1.吉林大学 仪器科学与电气工程学院,长春 130061
    2.空军航空仪器设备计量总站,北京 100070
  • 收稿日期:2008-10-16 修回日期:2008-11-20 出版日期:2009-02-11 发布日期:2009-02-11
  • 通讯作者: 杨红生

Screen-sharing technology based on hook and polling detection

YANG Hong-sheng1,TIAN Di1,WANG Feng-gui1,MAO Hong-yu1,2   

  1. 1.College of Instrumentation and Electrical Engineering,Jilin University,Changchun 130061,China
    2.Measuring Central Station of Aeronauticl Instrument and Equipment,Beijing 100070,China
  • Received:2008-10-16 Revised:2008-11-20 Online:2009-02-11 Published:2009-02-11
  • Contact: YANG Hong-sheng

摘要: 为了解决目前各种屏幕共享技术存在的诸如计算机资源使用率过高、捕获不全面等问题,设计了应用于Windows系统的基于Hook技术和轮询检测机制的屏幕共享方案,该方案利用Hook检测速度快、占用资源少和轮询机制检测全面的特点,可以在资源使用率较低的情况下,提高屏幕共享的全面性。实际测试表明,该方法占用的计算机资源较少,并且能够较全面地反映屏幕的变化。

关键词: 屏幕共享, 热点捕捉, 钩子(Hook), 轮询检测

Abstract: A screen-sharing solution for Windows OS which combines Hook technology and polling mechanism is introduced.Due to the Hook detection is rapid and less resource-occupation,while the polling detection is comprehensive,the solution solves the problems in former screen-sharing technologies such as high resource-occupation and not comprehensive.Actual test shows that the solution can comprehensively detect the screen changes with less resource occupied,and has a good performance.

Key words: screen-sharing, hot capture, Hook, polling detection