计算机工程与应用 ›› 2009, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (5): 13-15.DOI: 10.3778/j.issn.1002-8331.2009.05.004

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  1. 西北工业大学 航空微电子中心,西安 710072
  • 收稿日期:2008-09-12 修回日期:2008-11-17 出版日期:2009-02-11 发布日期:2009-02-11
  • 通讯作者: 史莉雯

Research on superscalar processor equipped with SMT technique

SHI Li-wen,FAN Xiao-ya,HUANG Xiao-ping   

  1. Aviation Microelectronic Center,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710072,China
  • Received:2008-09-12 Revised:2008-11-17 Online:2009-02-11 Published:2009-02-11
  • Contact: SHI Li-wen

摘要: 同时多线程(SMT)是一种允许多个独立的线程每周期发射多条指令的技术,这种技术充分利用了可能存在的指令级并行和线程级并行,提高了有限资源的利用率。文章以西北工业大学航空微电子中心自主研发的32位超标量处理器“龙腾R2”为基础,引入SMT技术,在基本不改变内部结构大小、不增加执行功能部件、仅做一些必要修改的前提条件下进行研究。通过仿真不同的线程数和各种线程组合,进行性能分析。尽管存在制约性能提升的一些因素,引入SMT技术后依然获得了最高约50%的性能增加。

关键词: 超标量处理器, 同时多线程, 每周期完成的指令数(IPC)

Abstract: Simultaneous multithreading(SMT) is a technique that permits multiple independent threads to issue multiple instructions each cycle to a superscalar processor’s functional units.This technique can exploit both instruction-level and thread-level parallelism to improve the performance.Based on a 32-bit superscalar processor(Longtium R2),present the architecture equipped with the simultaneous multithreading technique.The data,gained from simulation,show that the throughput increment can be achieved without extensively changing the original structures or increasing the additional execution units of a superscalar processor.After using the SMT technique,the processor can achieves up to 50% performance improvement,although influenced by some restrictions.

Key words: superscalar processor, simultaneous multithreading, instruction per cycle