Research on skyline detection algorithm based on LBP and sparse representation
TU Bing1,2,3, PAN Jianwu1,2,3, ZHANG Guoyun1,2,3, LI Chaohui1,3, LI Xiaochun1,3
1.School of Information and Communication Engineering, Hunan Institute of Science and Technology, Yueyang, Hunan 414006, China
2.Key Laboratory of Optimization and Control for Complex Systems, Hunan Institute of Science and Technology, Yueyang, Hunan 414006, China
3.Laboratory of Intelligent-Image Information Processing, Hunan Institute of Science and Technology, Yueyang, Hunan 414006, China
TU Bing1,2,3, PAN Jianwu1,2,3, ZHANG Guoyun1,2,3, LI Chaohui1,3, LI Xiaochun1,3. Research on skyline detection algorithm based on LBP and sparse representation[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2016, 52(20): 158-162.